The Integrated Plan
Photo credit: Tom Ring
The Seven Elements
The Yakima Basin Integrated Plan identifies seven elements needed to achieve a balanced and comprehensive approach to water resource management and ecosystem restoration in the Yakima River Basin.
Projects Map
Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Initial Development Phase Projects

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Habitat/Watershed Protection
- Bull Trout Education Taskforce (Basin Wide)
- Manastash Creek Conservation and Tributary Enhancement Project
- Bateman Island Causeway Modification Conceptual Design/Outreach/Permitting
- Bull Trout Habitat Improvements (basin wide)
- Gold Creek Habitat Assessment, Phase I, II, III and Watershed Plan
- Upper Yakima Floodplain Acquisition and Design Ringer Loop Road, Phase I, II
- Little Rattlesnake Road Decommissioning
- Cle Elum River Side Channel Restoration Project, Phase 2
- Gap-to-Gap Property Acquisitions
- Upper Wapato reach Riparian Restoration
- Ellensburg Water Company /Coleman Creek Restoration
- Reed Diversion Barrier Removal
- Trout Meadows Acquisition /Enhancement
- Little Naches Land Acquisition
- Teanaway Valley Farm Acquisition and Restoration
- Cowiche Easement/Design
- Gap-to-Gap Outfall Relocation and Levee Removal Design and Restoration
- South Fork Tieton Bull Trout Passage Feasibility and Design, Phase I, II, III
- Teanaway/Indian Creek Restoration and Large Wood Replacement
- Yakima Rivermile 89.5 Levee Breach
- Island Road Floodplain Reconnection – Toppenish Creek
- Toppenish Creek – Pop Pom Road
- Teanaway Habitat Restoration and Fencing, Phase I, II, III
- Lower River Thermal Refuge
- Wapato reach Riparian Project
- Yakima Basin Tributary Restoration (Starvation Flats, Ahtanum, Toppenish)
- Naches River and Cowiche Creeek Restoration
- Little Naches Large Wood Project
- Fawn Creek Culvert Replacement
- Kachess River Passage and Floodplain Assessment
- Box Creek Large Wood Replenishment
- Donald Wapato Bridge Restoration
- Little Naches River Watershed Aquatic Restoration
Enhanced Water Conservation
- KRD 13.6, 13.8 Lateral Piping Project
- Wapato Irrigation Project (WIP) Piping Lateral 4-414C
- WIP Piping Satus East Lateral E73
- Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) Division IV Lining
- Manastash Creek Sprinkler Conversions
- Yakima-Tieton ID Diversion Relocation Feasibility Study
- Manastash – Consolidated Pipeline & Manastash Water Ditch Association (MWDA) Pipeline Construction
- WIP Piping of Unit 2 L672 and Headworks Rebuild
- KRD North Branch Canal Lining
- Roza Canal Lining Phases I, II, III, IV
- WIP Lining of Unit 2 (167+20 to 173+80)
- KID Reregulation Reservoir Design
- WIP Unit 2 Upper Dam Rebuild and Lower Dam Removal
- WIP Water Conservation Plan
- City of Yakima Xeriscape Demonstration Project
- Reed Pipeline Design Manastash Creek
- Anderson Diversion Irrigation Water Acquisition
- KRD South Branch Canal Lining, Phases I and II
- WIP Unit 2 West Piping
- WIP Unit 2 West Lining
- KCCD Irrigation Efficiancy Improvements
- KRD Upper Tributary Supplementation
- WIP Track D Lateral Pipeline
- Heritage Gardens Municipal Conservation Program (Basin Wide)
Surface Water Storage
- Kachess Drought Relief Pumping Plant
Groundwater Storage
- Upper Kittitas Shallow Aquifer Recharge (SAR)
- Yakima City Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
- Toppenish Fan Aquifer Recharge
- Selah Moxee Irrigation District SAR Feasibility Study
- Yakima Basin Aquifer Geochemistry Evaluation (Basin Wide)
- KRD Yakima Basin ASR Feasibility Study (Basin Wide)
Structural and Operational Changes
- Cle Elum Pool Raise
- Keechelus to Kachess Conveyance
- KRD Upper Yakima system storage
Reservoir Fish Passage
- Cle Elum Dam
- Tieton (Rimrock) Dam
- Clear Creek Dam
Market Reallocation
- Kittitas Reclamation District and Trout Unlimited Yakima Basin Water Market Structure and Strategic Development (Basin Wide)
The Yakima Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan
Learn more about our projects and take an interactive tour of the Integrated Plan.
Celebrate our years of work on resolving conflicts and implementing projects in the Yakima Basin. The projects highlighted illustrate how the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan’s strategies have effectively responded to some of the basin’s most complex water issues, including drought, declining snowpack, fishery restoration, and ecosystem health.